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10 000 Maniacs 1989-12-02 CD Waltham Audience

Old price: 24.99 $ USD
16.99 $ USD
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01. Eat for Two 3:4502. Gun Shy 4:0603. Cherry Tree 3:0404. The Lion's Share 2:5405. Dust Bowl 4:4806. Trouble Me 3:1307. Like the Weather 3:5908. Poison in the Well 3:0309. Headstrong 4:0410. What's the Matter Here? 5:0111. Hey Jack Kerouac 3:2412. Go Song Go 3:5013. My Sister Rose 4:0814. City of Angels 4:2715. The Painted Desert 3:4816. Don't Talk 5:1117. Verdi Cries 4:3718. From the Time You Say Goodbye 0:50

