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Albion Dance Band 1984-07-14 CD Bracknell Audience

Old price: 24.99 $ USD
16.99 $ USD
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CD 101 Dance tunes02 Dialogue03 Chaucer sequence04 Dialogue05 Morris Dances06 Dialogue07 Dance tune08 Taking off one's hat and putting it on09 Song by Cathy LeSurf10 Dr Johnson11 Dance tune12 Dialogue13 Appalachan danceCD214 Dance tune15 Lord George Byron16 Step dance17 Dance tune18 Dance tune19 The Crowne & Anchor20 Fretful porkupine21 Dance tune22 Spread a little happiness23 Dialogue24 Dance medley25 Dancing queen!26 Love is like a railway station27 Froggy's first jump28 Band introductions/Halek brawl

