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Berkshire Mountains Bluegrass Festival Compilation CD 1985 Vol 3 and 4 Soundboard

Old price: 24.99 $ USD
16.99 $ USD
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56mPerformers:DM=Del McCoury and His Dixie PalsJM=Jimmy Martin and the Sunny Mountain BoysQS=QuicksilverSS=The Seldom SceneCWB=The C.W. Brock FamilyOB=The Osborne BrothersHAML=The Harley Allen/Mike Lilly BandTR=The Tony Rice BandPR=The Peter Rowan BandJA=Jimmy Arnold Jam SessionBM=Bill Monroe and the Blue Grass BoysEpisode 31)Intro2)TR-The Early Morning Rain3)-(?)4)-Never Meant To Be5)-Some Old Day6)BM-The Rocky Road Blues7)-The Old House8)-Come Hither, Go Yonder9)-Uncle PenEpisode 41)Intro2)DM-Lonliness and Desperation3)-Undone in Sorrow (?)4)-Shuckin' the Corn5)-This Kind of Life6)JM-My Walkin' Shoes Don't Fit Me Anymore (?)7)-Shackles and Chains8)-It Takes One to Know One9)-Best Coon Dog in the State of Tennessee (?)

