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Billy Joel 2000-07-22 CD Southampton Audience

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Disc One: (65:51)01. S.T.A.R. Foundation top 10 list 4:46 (Featuring Christie Brinkley and Alexa Ray)02. Andrew Cuomo introducing Billy Joel4:0603. Billy Intro and Rules for the Evening3:0904. Baby Grand5:0805. Turn Around ^4:3006. Connection between Where's The Orchestra1:50 & Allentown?07. Where's The Orchestra6:3308. Is it easy or hard to write music?1:1809. She's Always A Woman ^2:5010. Inspiration for I've Loved These Days?1:5111. I've Loved These Days ^3:3612. Background of Only The Good Die Young?3:5513. Only The Good Die Young (reggae) ^3:1814. Contribution to fishing community on LI?5:5915. Aria (Grand Canal) +9:5416. Writing Classical Music3:08---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Disc Two: (73:57)01. The story behind Honesty?7:4602. The writing of C'et Tait Toi and4:17 the French Response?03. Discussion of Keeping The Faith4:1304. Keeping The Faith ^3:2705. What is your favorite piano? 6:26 (asked by Chevy Chase)06. Fantasy (Film Noir) +8:1707. Why performers should go on stage hungry?2:3408. Do you listen to your own music? Other?4:5009. What exactly is a Real Estate Novelist?8:1110. Who was Laura in the song Laura?5:2311. Laura ^3:1612. What is the story behind Vienna?5:3713. Vienna4:1014. Piano Man5:30

