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Bluegrass Jamboree 2017-12-15 CD Offenburg Audience

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TT 2:29:55 p1 set 1 26:07 LULA WILES is -Isa Burke: vocals, fiddle, acoustic and electric guitars -Ellie Buckland: vocals, fiddle, acoustic guitar -Mali Obomsawin: vocals, bass, acoustic guitar 01 02 independence day 03 -talk- 04 one more night 05 -talk- 06 hoodoo song 07 -talk- 08 09 -talk- 10 11 -reiner zellner ( promotor ) talks- 5.14 p1 set 2 32:44 LONESOME ACE STRING BAND -Chris Coole is a cracker-jack banjo picker -John Showman is known as one of Canada's finest fiddle players -Max Heineman has a powerful and unique voice and plays bass 12 13 -talk- 14 15 16 -talk- 17 going across the sea 18 -talks- 19 hold on 20 -talks- 21 22 -------------------------- p2 set3 55:35 THE LONELY HEARTSTRING BAND George Clements (guitar, vocals) Patrick M'Gonigle (fiddle, vocals) Charles Clements (bass, vocals) Matt Witler (mandolin) Gabe Hirshfeld (banjo) 01 -zellner intro- 02 03 -talk- 04 look in my eye 05 -talk- 06 graceland ( p simon) 07 -talk- 08 09 -talk- 10 the tide 11 -talk- 12 i couldn't believe it was true 13 -talk- 14 15 -talk- 16 born to be with you (J.D. Crowe & The New South) 17 -zellner talks- 4.23 p2 set4 ALL STAR FINALE 25:50 18 19 road to columbus (bill monroe) 20 wish we had our time again (john hartford) 21 encore 1 22 keep on the sunny side (j cash) 23 encore 2 24 crying time again (r charles)

