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Boston Symphony Orchestra 2007-06-14 CD Boston Soundboard

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tracklisting:Disc 1 71:45 minutes101 radio intro A 7:22102 radio intro B 0:30John Eccles: "The Judgement of Paris"103 01 Symphony for Mercury I-II 3:24104 02 Symphony for Mercury III 1:32105 03 Symphony for Mercury IV 0:58106 04 From high Olympus, and the Realms above/ O Ravishing Delight! 6:27107 05 Fear not, Mortal: none shall harm thee/ Happy thou of Human Race 3:17108 06 Symphony for Juno / Saturnia, Wife of Thundering Jove, am I 3:56109 07 Symphony for Pallas / This way, Mortal, bend thy Eyes 2:32110 08 Symphony for Venus / Hither turn thee, gentle Swain 5:36111 09 Distracted I turn, but I cannot decide 2:37112 10 Symphony / Let Ambition fire thy Mind 3:35113 11 Awake, awake, thy Spirits raise / Hark, hark! the glorious Voice of War 2:24114 12 Oh what Joys does Conquest yield! O how glorious 'tis to see... 2:08115 13 Symphony / Stay, lovely Youth, delay thy Choice / Nature fram'd thee sure for Loving / I yield, I yield, O take the Prize 8:17116 14 Hither all ye Graces, all ye Loves 1:29117 radio outro 1:10118 radio intro A 2:07119 radio intro B 0:40Jean-Phillippe Rameau:Selections from operas120 Overture to "Nais" (pastorale héroïque) [1749] 4:03121 "Dardanus": The Pleasures dance [1739] 1:06122 "Nais": dances of Zephyrs and Nymphs 1 2:27123 "Nais": dances of Zephyrs and Nymphs 2 1:17124 "Dardanus": dance 2:20125 radio outro 0:18

