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Boston Symphony Orchestra 2016-07-24 CD Lenox Soundboard

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95:49 minutes tracklist: Part 1 50:52 minutes 01 radio intro A 1:39 02 radio intro B 0:32 Alberto Ginastera: "Variaciones concertantes" for chamber orchestra, Op.23 03 I Tema per Violoncello ed Arpa (Theme for Cello and Harp) > II Interludio per corde {Interlude for strings] > III Variazione giocosa per Flauto (Cheerful Variation for Flute) > IV Variazione in modo di Scherzo per Clarinetto (Variation in the manner of a Scherzo for Clarinet) 6:22 04 V Variazione drammatica per Viola (Dramatic Variation for Viola) 3:37 05 VI canonica per Oboe e Fagotto (Canonic Variation for Oboe and Bassoon) 2:50 06 VII Variazione ritmica per Tromba e Trombone (Rhythmic Variation for Trumpet and Trombone) > VIII .Variazione in modo di Moto perpetuo per Violino (Variation in the manner of a Moto Perpetuo for Violin) 1:41 07 IX Variazione pastorale per Corno (Pastoral Variation for Horn) > X Interludio per Fiati (Interlude for winds) 4:04 08 XI Ripresa dal Tema per Contrabasso (Repeat of the Theme for Double Bass) > XII Variazione finale in modo do Rondò per Orchestra (Final Variation in the manner of a Rondo for orchestra) 5:33 09 radio outro 0:16 10 radio intro 0:34 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Violin Concerto No.4 in D major, K.218 11 I Allegro 8:41 12 II Andante cantabile > III Rondeau (Andante grazioso - Allegro ma non troppo) 14:24 13 radio outro 0:30 intermission Part 2 44:54 minutes 14 radio intro 0:41 Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphony No.6 in F major, Op.68; "Sinfonie-Pastoral" 15 I Erwachen heiterer Empfindungen bei der Ankunft auf dem Lande (Awakening of cheerful feelings upon arrival in the countryside): Allegro ma non troppo 10:39 16 II Szene am Bach (Scene by the brook): Andante molto mosso > III Lustiges Zusammensein der Landleute (Merry gathering of country folk): Allegro 13:12 17 IV Gewitter, Sturm (Thunder. Storm): Allegro > V Hirtengesang. Frohe und dankbare Gefühle nach dem Sturm (Shepherd's song; cheerful and thankful feelings after the storm): Allegretto 19:56 18 radio outro 0:27

