01 Radio Intro - Gerstein Interview - Commentary on Rachmaninoff (05:49)
02 Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No. 3 - I. Allegro ma non tanto (16:17)
03 Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No. 3 - II. Intermezzo - Adagio (10:12)
04 Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No. 3 - III. Finale - Alla breve ((14:17)
05 Applause for Rachmaninoff (02:23)
06 Commentary on Stravinsky (02:33)
07 Stravinsky The Rite of Spring - Part I. L'Adoration de la Terre (The Adoration of the Earth; 16:30)
Les Augures printaniers (Augurs of Spring - Dance of the Adolescent Girls)
Jeu du rapt (Mock Abduction)
Rondes printaniers (Spring Rounds)
Jeux des cites rivales (Ritual of Rival Tribes)
Cortege du sage: Le Sage (Procession of the Sage: The Sage)
Danse de la terre (Dance of the Earth)
08 Stravinsky The Rite of Spring - Part II. Le Sacrifice (The Sacrifice; 18:12)
Cercles mysterieux des adolescentes (Mystic Circles of the Adolescent Girls)
Glorification de l'elue (Glorification of the Chosen One)
Evocation des ancetres (Evocation of the Ancestors)
Action rituelle des ancetres (Ritual Action of the Ancestors)
Danse sacrale (Sacrificial Dance)
09 Applause for Stravinsky and Radio Outro (03:33)
01 Radio Intro - Gerstein Interview - Commentary on Rachmaninoff (05:49)
02 Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No. 3 - I. Allegro ma non tanto (16:17)
03 Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No. 3 - II. Intermezzo - Adagio (10:12)
04 Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No. 3 - III. Finale - Alla breve ((14:17)
05 Applause for Rachmaninoff (02:23)
06 Commentary on Stravinsky (02:33)
07 Stravinsky The Rite of Spring - Part I. L'Adoration de la Terre (The Adoration of the Earth; 16:30)
Les Augures printaniers (Augurs of Spring - Dance of the Adolescent Girls)
Jeu du rapt (Mock Abduction)
Rondes printaniers (Spring Rounds)
Jeux des cites rivales (Ritual of Rival Tribes)
Cortege du sage: Le Sage (Procession of the Sage: The Sage)
Danse de la terre (Dance of the Earth)
08 Stravinsky The Rite of Spring - Part II. Le Sacrifice (The Sacrifice; 18:12)
Cercles mysterieux des adolescentes (Mystic Circles of the Adolescent Girls)
Glorification de l'elue (Glorification of the Chosen One)
Evocation des ancetres (Evocation of the Ancestors)
Action rituelle des ancetres (Ritual Action of the Ancestors)
Danse sacrale (Sacrificial Dance)
09 Applause for Stravinsky and Radio Outro (03:33)