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Bruce Springsteen 2009-10-09 CD East Rutherford Audience

Old price: 24.99 $ USD
16.99 $ USD
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1. Wrecking Ball (Max & Patti)2. Badlands3. Spirit In The Night4. Outlaw Pete5. Hungry Heart (crowd surfing)6. Working On A Dream7. Born In The USA (dedicated to a friend for his birthday)8. Cover Me9. Darlington County10. Working On The Highway11. Downbound Train12. I'm On Fire13. No Surrender14. Bobby Jean15. I'm Goin' Down16. Glory Days17. Dancing In The Dark (w/a middle-aged bald guy)18. My Hometown19. Tougher Than The Rest (for Danny)20. The Promised Land21. Last To Die22. Long Walk Home23. The Rising24. Born To Run (w/Jay)~~~~ collecting signs~~~~ (RYH riff)(w/Max)25. Raise Your Hand / You Sexy Thing26. THE LAST TIME27. Waitin' On A Sunny Day (Marriage Proposal)28. Seven Nights To Rock29. Kitty's Back30. JAmerican Land31: Jersey Girl



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