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Bruce Springsteen Compilation CD The Lost Masters Vol 19 Soundboard

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Bruce Springsteen - Volume 19 - Born in the U.S.A. - Rare MastersSongs 1-4: Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, Power Station Studios,New York City November 9th 1983.1. Down, Down, Down Working title for the original take of "I'm Goin' Down"2. Murder Incorporated3. TV Movie4. County Fair #2 Full band version with female vocalsSongs 5-9: Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, Power Station Studios,New York January thru May 1983.5. Born In The U.S.A. Complete take6. Sugarland #4 Slow acoustic version7. My Love Will Not Let You Down8. My Hometown With female background vocals9. Glory Days With extra verseOriginal rought mix of the "Born in the USA" album compiled May 10th, 1983Songs 10-13: Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, Power Station Studios,New York possibly May 1982.10. Frankie11. Darlington County12. Working On The Highway13. Downbound TrainFor those of you thinking this to be just another set of "Born in the U.S.A."rehashed outtakes, think again. While perhaps not as devastating as the excellent set of previouslyreleases "USA" outtakes, "This Hard Land", this set is a perfect companion piece to that collection.While some overlap does exist, we are sure you will find the additional material presentedhere much to your liking. Things kick off with the full, unedited version of "Down, Down, Down"that includes lyric changes and the complete raucous ending.This track runs nearly a full 1:30 longer than the released version."Murder Inc." follows in its original incarnation and most fans are still puzzled over its non-inclusionon the original album. Great background vocals here by Steve Van Zandt.This song remains as relevant today as it was in 1983, evidenced by Bruce's impassioned performancesof it on his recent solo tour. A track only mentioned by Max Weinberg in interviews is up nextand a fun track it is. "TV Movie" would have made a great b-side, fitting as it does with"Stand On It" and "Johnny Bye Bye" with its raucous rockabilly sound and some fine sax work by the Big Man.Back in the "famous" days of 1985, it would not have been unlikely for someone to have wanted to makea TV movie out of Bruce's life, either! "County Fair" is one of Bruce's greatest unreleased songs.If a better song has ever been written about a circus/fair, we've never heard it.This version is different to the one previously found on the Lost Masters XVII.Bruce captures the sights, sounds, smells, and emotions of a night at a county fair perfectly.Everything about this song, from the tender vocal to the E Street Band's perfect accompaniment,exudes perfection. A great achievement, and perhaps the most curious omission of all from the album,being that this song IS the USA. The complete unedited take of "Born in the U.S.A." follows withthe long instrumental outro and Bruce's vocal histrionics. Max is at his best here.An amazing "ballad" version of "Sugarland" follows, with the tempo and vocals more reflectiveof the lyrical mood. Beautiful keyboards by Danny and Roy augment some fine acousticguitar playing by Bruce - one of his greatest unreleased performances, in our opinion.Bruce would go on to record "Sugarland" in several different ways. Stay tuned.The universally loved and well-known outtake "My Love Will Not Let You Down"is also included here. An upbeat and driving love song, one wonders how it would havefit on the released album in place of, say, "Cover Me". A different mix of "My Hometown"follows (with female background vocals?) and runs a full half minute longer than the released version.A false start of "Glory Days" then leads into the full, unedited version with the extra versethat we all know and love. Another curious omission from the final albumwas the 1976-penned tune "Frankie", originally recorded for "Darkness",recorded again here and still unreleased (although it was considered for the"Greatest Hits" collection but was finally dropped). Slightly different versions / mixes of"Darlington County", "Working on the Highway" and "Downbound Train" wrap this collection up nicely.One last note on "Born in the USA". Still regarded as one of the greatest rock albums of all-time by the critics,one wonders how much better the album COULD have been with the exclusion of some tracks -"Cover Me", "Working on the Highway", "Darlington County" -and the inclusion of several of the tracks here.We'll let you decide for yourselves. Enjoy!



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