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Bruce Springsteen Compilation DVD Rare Video Proshot

Old price: 24.99 $ USD
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Disc 1:Dancing in the dark rehearsals at Bruces HouseStone Pony w/ Bon JoviSwedish Street Concert (The River)Swedish TV Special 1988Stone Pony w/Southside 1988-11-26Vancouver 1984Central Park w/Jack Browne 1982Meadowlands NJ 1984C.C. On Alan ThickeDisc 2:River Tour RehearsalsDancing in the dark reheasalsStone Pony w/Little Steven 1987-08-21Stone Pony w/Levon Helm 1987-08-22Detroit Soundcheck 1988-03-28News ClipHollywood Bowl w/ Jackson Browne + Gary US Bonds 1981-06-14



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