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Rare Live Concert Recordings on CD, DVD, MP3 and MP4

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Case lang Veirs, CDs, Soundboard, portland, 2016, June
Setlist:Atomic NumberHoney & SmokeSong for JudeeBlue FiresDeliriumGreens of JuneBehind the ArmoryBest Kept Secret1000 Miles AwaySupermoonI Want to Be...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Caspian, CDs, Soundboard, CHICAGO, 2016, November
Setlist:Waking SeasonEcho and AbyssSome Are White LightGone in Bloom and BoughArcs of CommandSad Heart of MineGhosts of the Garden...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Catfish and The Bottleman, CDs, Soundboard, Sao paulo, 2017, March
Setlist: 01 - Homesick02 - Kathleen03 - Soundcheck04 - Pacifier05 - Anything06 - Postpone07 - Twice08 - 709 - Cocoon10 - TyrantsTRT = 00:50:30

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Catholic Action, CDs, Soundboard, Exeter, 2016, May
1. Introduction 2. Say Nothing 3. New Years 4. Breakfast 5. Rita Ora 6. Star and Stripes 7. L.U.V 8. The ShallowsTotal Time : [25:40]

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Caveman, CDs, Soundboard, AUSTIN, 2016, October
Setlist: Old FriendOn My OwnLife or Just LivingA Country's King of DreamsOver My HeadAll My LifeThankful80 WestNever Going BackIn the CityI Wanna Be Adored...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Celine Bonacina, CDs, Soundboard, Bremen, 2017, April
Celine Bonacina: bsChris Jennings: dbAsaf Sirkis: drMarko Crncec: p31 min 26s

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Chairlift, CDs, Soundboard, AUSTIN, 2016, September
Setlist: Look UpPolymorphingAmanaemonesiaI Belong in Your ArmsShow U OffRomeoCrying In PublicMoth to the FlameCh-ChingGet RealTRT = 00:48:29

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Charles Bradley, CDs, Soundboard, MANCHESTER, 2016, June
Setlist: IntroNobody but YouThe World (Is Going Up in Flames)Things We Do for LoveHow LongYou Put the Flame on ItInstrumentalLuv JonesHeartaches and PainYou...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Charles Bradley, CDs, Soundboard, montreux, 2016, July
Lineup:Charles Bradley: vocalsFreddy DeBoe: tenor saxophoneVincent Chiarito: bassCarlos Sànchez: drumsBilly Aukstik: trumpetMichael Deller: organBenjamin...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Chase and Status, CDs, Soundboard, Exeter, 2016, May
1. Introduction 2. Machine Gun 3. Hypest Hype (with Tempa T) 4. NRG 5. Control (with Slaves) 6. Let You Go 7. Time 8. Lost & Not Found (with Louis...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Cheap Trick, CDs, Audience, CHARLOTTE, 2007, May
running time 82 mins (full show)1. Hello There2. Big Eyes3. Oh, Candy4. Welcome To The World5. If You Want My Love6. Come On, Come On7. Best Friend8. I Want...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Cherry Glazerr, CDs, Soundboard, Saint Malo, 2017, February
Setlist:Sip O' PoisonNuclear BombHad Ten DollazInstagratificationApocalipstickTold You I'd Be with the GuysWhite's Not My Color This EveningStupid...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Chic featuring Nile Rodgers, CDs, Soundboard, Compilation
Duration: 96 minNile Rodgers (g, vcl), Jerry Barnes (b-g, vcl), Rich Hilton (kbd, vcl),Russell Graham (p, vcl), James "Biscuit" Rouse (dms, vcl), Folami...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Chicano Batman, CDs, Soundboard, INDIO, 2017, April
Setlist:01. Cycles of Existential Rhyme02. Angel Child03. Jealousy 04. Freedom Is Free05. Friendship (Is a Small Boat in a Storm)06. Black Lipstick07. It's a...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Chico Freeman, CDs, Soundboard, montreux, 2016, July
1. Elvin2. 3. Five Days In May4. Niskayuna5. Free Man6. 7. 8. Black Inside9.Total time 1:48:13Chico Freeman - saxophonesAntonio Faraò - pianoHeiri Känzig -...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Chicuelo and Mezquida, CDs, Soundboard, Bremen, 2017, April
37 min 48sJuan Gómez 'Chicuelo': flamenco guitarMarco Mezquida: pPaco de Mode: perc

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Children Of Bodom, CDs, Soundboard, new York City, 2016, December
Setlist: Needled 24/7Follow the ReaperLiving Dead BeatTrashed, Lost & StrungoutMorriganIn Your FaceMy Bodom (I Am the Only One)Everytime I DieSilent Night,...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Chris Cornell, CDs, Soundboard, new York City, 2017, April
Setlist:[4:53] The Promise[1:22] closing segment

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Chris Cornell, CDs, Soundboard, new York City, 2017, April
(interview)The PromiseBlack Hole Sun[12:19]

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Chris Duarte and Bluestone, CDs, Audience, Arcadia, 2010, March
Time:Set one 75 mins/Set Two 60 mins