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Charlie Parr 2009-03-28 CD Menomonie Soundboard

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Time: 3:29:0901. Let No Drunkard Be 02. To A Scrapyard Bus Stop03. Union Tramp04. Ode To A New Dealer05. Shake 'em on Down06. Crop Duster07. Jim Lee Blues08. Losers09. Last Payday At Cold Creek10. Eli Green11. Come Along and See12. The Cuckoo Bird13. Good Morning Judge14. Far Cry From Fargo15. 192216. Worried Blues17. Lowdown 18. Miner's Blues19. Cheap Wine20. Public Record Rag21. Don't Send Your Child to War22. Country Blues23. Fixin' to Die24. John Henry25. Samuel Grady26. Bad Luck Blues27. Westbound Rattler28. Mahtowa Stomp29. Gambler's Blues30. West Bank 10 String Rag31. Coffee's Gone Cold32. Sunday Street33. Wish I was A Mole In the Ground34. Ragged & Dirty Blues35. Death Letter Blues36. Riding Lawnmower Blues37. Jesus at the Kenmore38. Annie Melton39. They Whupped Him Up the Hill40. Miner's Lament 41. Samson & Delilah42. Jesus On The Mainline43. 192844. 99 Year Blues45. Just Like Today46. God Moves On The water47. Mr. Reiley The Furniture Man48. unknown 4849. Out & Down Blues50. unknown street?51. Wild Bill Jones52. Ellen Mayhem53. Deep Elm Blues54. Wreck of the Old 9755. Jefferson Street Express56. unknown blues57. Temperance River Blues > Folsom Prison Blues

