Time: 110:0501. unknown 0102. Red Cedar Blues03. Falcon 04. Cheap Wine05. I Dreamed I saw Jesse James Last Night06. unknown 0607. Ragged & Dirty08. Badger09. Daniel in the Lion's Den10. True Friends*11. 1922 Blues*12. Going Down South*13. Mastodon*14. House of Mercy Banter15. Coffee's Gone Cold*had my line get pulled out on Jesus at the Kenmore > Asa Jones Blues missing 8:40 of audio :-(16. Jubilee*17. This Old Building is a Leaning*18. Delia*19. When First Unto This Country*20. Public Record Rag*21. Crazy Mama*22. Where You Gonna Be*23. The Jinx Blues*24. Motorcycle Blues*25. Come on Down*