01. unknown 01
02. Down South Blues
03. Yo-Yo Blues
04. Duncan & Brady
05. Falcon
06. Lowdown
07. Losers
08. Rope Stretchin' Blues
09. Casey Jones
10. unknown 10
11. Ninteen Twenty Two Blues
12. Worried Blues
13. Mole In The Ground
14. Don't send Your Child to War
15. unknown 15
16. Hobo Gone Wrong
17. unknown 17
18. Running, Jumping, Standing Still
19. Can't Nobody Hide From God
20. V8 Ford Blues Pt. 2
21. Cheap Wine
22. Over the Red Cedar
23. Where You Gonna' Be (When the Good Lord Calls You Home?
24. unknown 24
25. Ain't No Grave Gonna Hold My Body Down
26. What Do You Think About Jesus