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Christy Moore Compilation CD Radio Braodcasts In Ireland 2012-2014 Soundboard

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RTE Broadcast 17 March 2013.Rolling Wave Program Recorded Ara An Uachtarain Dublin 2013.01 Gortatagort.RTE Radio 1 Live In Studio Performance 31 September 2012.John Muarry Program.02 Curragh Of Kildare.03 Casey.04 Cliffs Of Dooneen.05 Joxer Goes To Stuttgart.06 Dont Forget Your shovel.07 My Little Honda 50.08 Nancy Spain.09 Lisdoonvarna.10 The Voyage.11 Magdalen Launderies.RTE Radio One In Concert Orogram 20 October 2013.Steve Cooney And Friends In Concert Vicket Street Venue Dublin.12 John o Dreams (With Steve cooney).RTE Radio One Live In Studio Performance 10 June 2014.John Muarry Program.13 The Curragh Of Kildare.14 If I Get An Encore.15 Bogeys Bonny Belle.16 The Voyage.17 My Little Honda 50.18 Mandolin Mountain.19 Raggle Taggle Gypsy.20 John O Dreams.Interview Segments.RTE Radio One 88.5 F.M. Broadcast 17 March 2013.Rolling Wave Program.21 Interview With Micheal D Higgins Aras An Uachtarain Dublin .RTE Radio One Live 10 June 2014.22 Interview with John Muarry Live RTE 10 June 2014.

