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Rare Live Concert Recordings on CD, DVD, MP3 and MP4

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
DIO, CDs, Audience, Fort Wayne, 1998, June
Tracklist (1:35:58)Intro / EvilutionStraight Through The HeartDon't Talk To StrangersHoly DiverHeaven and HellChildern of the SeaStand Up and ShoutShame on...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
DIO, CDs, Audience, SAN DIEGO, 2001, March
01. Sunset Superman02. Invisible03. Stand Up and Shout04. Don't Talk to Strangers05. All the Fools Sailed Away06. Discovery07. Magica Theme08. Lord...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
DIO, CDs, Audience, GOTHENBURG, 2001, April
01 Sunset Superman02 Invisible03 Drum solo04 Stand up and shout05 Don`t talk to strangers06 Discovery Magica theme Lord of the last day Guitar solo07...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
DIO, CDs, Audience, Linkoping, 2001, April
Sunset supermanInvisible / drum soloStand up and shoutDon't talk to strangersDiscoveryMagica themeLord of the last dayFever dreams / guitar soloAnnicaHoly...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
DIO, CDs, Audience, stockholm, 2001, April
Sunset Superman (Missing)Invisible (Cuts in)Stand Up and ShoutDon't Talk to StrangersMagica ThemeLord of the Last DayFever DreamsAnnicaHoly DiverHeaven and...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
DIO, CDs, Audience, LONDON, 2001, May
length: 62.15setlist:Sunset supermanInvisible / drum soloStand up and shoutDon't talk to strangersDiscoveryMagica themeLord of the last dayFever dreams /...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
DIO, CDs, Audience, Englewood, 2003, August
Tracklist (54:16):Intro / Killing The DragonThe Last In LineStargazerStand Up & ShoutSimon Wright soloRock & RollThe Mob RulesDream EvilRainbow In The...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Dire Straits, CDs, Audience, PARIS, 1992, April
Setlist:01 - Calling Elvis02 - Walk of Life03 - Heavy Fuel04 - Romeo and Juliet05 - The Bug06 - Private Investigations07 - Sultans of Swing08 - Your latest...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Dire Straits, CDs, Audience, PARIS, 1992, April
1.Calling Elvis2.Walk of life3.Heavy fuel4.Romeo and Juliet5.The bug6.Private investigations7.Your latest trick8.You and your friend9.On every...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Disclosure, CDs, Soundboard, Grafenhainichen, 2016, July
Setlist:White NoiseF for YouJadedOmenYou & MeEchoesNocturnalBang ThatWhen a Fire Starts to BurnBossHolding OnMoving Mountains (with Brandon Riley) LatchTRT =...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Disclosure, CDs, Soundboard, Reading, 2016, August
Length: 01:18:12Setlist:01. White Noise02. F For You03. Jaded04. Omen05. You and Me06. Echoes07. Bang That08. When A Fire Starts To Burn 09. Boss10. Holding...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Divine Comedy, CDs, Soundboard, PARIS, 2016, September
Setlist:Absent FriendsHow Can You Leave Me on My OwnBecoming More Like AlfieI Joined the Foreign Legion (to Forget)To the RescueSongs of LoveA Lady of a...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Django Bates and hr-Bigband, CDs, Soundboard, FRANKFURT, 2016, October
Django Bates - keys, vocStuart Hall - guit, violin, string things„Eggs Laid by Tigers“:Martin Dahl - vocJonas Westergaard - bass, vocPeter Bruun - drums,...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
DKT-MC5, CDs, Audience, Portsmouth, 2005, June
1 h 2 min

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
DKT-MC5, CDs, Audience, Oxford, 2005, June
1 h 2 min

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
DMAS, CDs, Soundboard, Grafenhainichen, 2016, July
Setlist: TimelessToo SoonStraight DimensionsFeels Like 37In the MomentMelbourneLay DownSo We KnowDeleteYour LowLacedPlay It OutTRT = 00:57:19

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Dokken, CDs, Audience, Oxford Plains, 1988, June
running time: 34 mins 1. Standing In The Shadows (cuts in)2. Heaven Sent3. Mr Scary4. It's Not Love5. Alone Again6. Into The Fire

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Doors of The 21st Century, CDs, Audience, new York City, 2003, August
SETLIST:Intro + Roadhouse BluesBreak On ThroughWhen The Music's OverLove Me Two TimesAlabama SongBack Door ManFive To OneRobby Solo + Spanish CaravanThe...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Doro, CDs, Audience, Moscow, 2013, April
Track listing: 01. Intro02. East Meets West03. I Rule the Ruins04. Burning the Witches05. Fight for Rock06. Rock Till Death07. Metal Racer08. Without You09....

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Dorothy, CDs, Soundboard, philadelphia, 2016, September
Setlist: Kiss ItDark NightsGun in My HandNo Church in the Wild (Jay-Z & Kanye West cover) WomanAfter Midnight >Raise HellWhiskey FeverTRT = 00:30:10