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Rare Live Concert Recordings on CD, DVD, MP3 and MP4

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Dirty Rotten Imbeciles, CDs, Audience, Syracuse, 1988, August
a) all for nothing manifest destiny how to act yes ma'am reganomics probation slumlord dead in a ditch suit and tie guy madman couch slouch...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Dirty Rotten Imbeciles, CDs, Audience, PARIS, 1990, June

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Dirty Three and Nick Cave, CDs, Audience, LONDON, 1995, August
Running time: 71' instrumental i knew it would come to this you were a bum dream into my arms the last night instrumental at the bar into my arms...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Dirty Three and Nick Cave, CDs, Audience, Monticello, 2009, September
Running time: 126' soundcheck sirena the restless waves distant shore authentic celestial music backwards voyager last horse on the sand sea...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Dirty Three, CDs, Soundboard, Carrboro, 1995, September
01 - intro 02 - At the Bar with the Dirty Three 03 - Everything's Fucked 04 - Sue's Last Ride 05 - Indian Love Song 06 - I Remember a Time When Once You...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Dirty Three, CDs, Audience, Melbourne, 1996, March
(total 2:03:58) 1. Three Wheels (8:32) 2. I Knew It Would Come To This (8:11) 3. Sue's Last Ride (8:41) 4. Everything's Fucked (9:24) 5. At The Bar...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Dirty Three, CDs, Audience, Pukkelpop Festival, 1996, August
Running time: 71' i knew it would come to this sue's last ride everything's fucked i remember a time when once you used to love me warren's lament...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Dirty Three, CDs, Audience, montreal, 1996, September
Running time: 71' kim's dirt sue's last ride everything's fucked i remember a time when once you used to love me hope warren's lament indian's love...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Dirty Three, CDs, Audience, Chapel Hill, 1996, September
Running time: 86' one hundred miles sue's last ride hope i remember a time when once you used to love me indian's love song suzanne warren...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Dirty Three, CDs, Audience, Bochum, 1996, October
Running time: 114' you were a bum dream i really miss you a lot hope sue's last ride everything's fucked indian's love song red warren lament's...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Dirty Three, CDs, Audience, Perth, 1997, January
Running time: 110' sue's last ride hope indian love's song i really miss you a lot red kim's dirt everything's fucked suzanne i remember a...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Dirty Three, CDs, Audience, new York City, 1997, March
Running time: 118' i knew it would come to this i really miss you a lot sue's last ride hope everything is fucked indian love's song suzanne...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Dirty Three, CDs, Audience, SYDNEY, 1998, April
Running time: 80' last horse on the sand sea above, sky below backwards voyager hope authentic celestial music sue's last ride deep waters i...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Dirty Three, CDs, Audience, SYDNEY, 1998, April
Running time: 102' last horse on the sand restless waves hope authentic celestial music backward voyager sea above, sky below sue's last ride deep...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Dirty Three, CDs, Soundboard, Melbourne, 1998, May
(total 1:55:46) 1. Distant Shore (7:24) 2. Last Horse On The Sand (5:50) 3. Sea Above, Sky Below (8:20) 4. The Restless Waves (6:44) 5. Authentic...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Dirty Three, CDs, Audience, Baltimore, 1998, May
Running time: 99' obvious is obvious last horse on the sand sea above, sky below authentic celestial music sirena sue's last ride untitled cover...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Dirty Three, CDs, Audience, Carrboro, 1998, May
Running time: 94' sirena the restless waves distant shore authentic celestial music sue's last ride indian's love song deep waters

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Dirty Three, CDs, Audience, Louisville, 1998, May
Running time: 80' last horse on the sand sea above, sky below authentic celestial music sue's last ride indian's love song deep waters

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Dirty Three, CDs, Audience, Perth, 1999, January
1 Intro 2 Last Horse on the Sand 3 Sea Above, Sky Below 4 Sue's Last Ride 5 Hope 6 Deep Waters

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Dirty Three, CDs, Audience, new orleans, 1999, September
01- intro 02- Last Horse On The Sand 03- Sue's Last Ride* 04- Some Summers They Drop Like Flies 05- I Offered It Up To The Stars and the Night Sky...