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Darol Anger 2010-02-26 CD Berkeley Audience

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0 extended Freight intro1 intro and talk2 Bill Cheatham3 Big Man From Syracuse4 Karate5 talk6 Summertime >7 Borealis8 talk, Vasen come on9 The Botanist10 talk11 Vasen Street12 talk13 Eklunda Polska nr 314 talk15 Egypt16 talk17 Timo's Jig18 applause, outro0 extended Freight intro1 intro, tuning and talk2 Loke's Troubles3 talk4 The Falling Polska5 talk6 Penknife Killer7 talk8 Absolute Swedish9 tuning, talk10 Josephine's Waltz11 applause12 Antons Forsta13 talk14 Vasen Your Seatbelt/The Crossing15 applause before encore, talk16 Red Prairie Dawn17 applause

