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Donna The Buffalo 2016-12-31 CD Tampa Audience

Old price: 24.99 $ USD
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d1t01 -intro by Ed Greene- d1t02 Garden Of Eden d1t03 -tuning- d1t04 Ancient Arms d1t05 Voice In My Head d1t06 I Love My Tribe > The Ones You Love d1t07 Come To Life d1t08 Revelation Two-Step d1t09 Each And Every Direction d1t10 Crash And Burn # d1t11 No Sad Songs d1t12 -new year's resolutions and new bus- d1t13 Heaven And The Earth d1t14 Sailing d2t01 This Mystery d2t02 Cornbread set2: d2t03 -intro2 by Ed Greene d2t04 Let Love Move Me d2t05 No Place Like The Right Time d2t06 Visitor d2t07 Auld Lang Syne d2t08 -Ralph Roddenbery stage call- d2t09 Unless You Got Some % d2t10 Maude Only Knows % d2t11 That's Gonna Leave A Mark % d2t12 -segue into the future- d3t01 I Like To Do My Thing d3t02 -tuning- d3t03 Nashville Christmas d3t04 -Jonas Puryear stage call- d3t05 Zydeco 17 @ d3t06 -tuning- d3t07 Living In The Promise Land d3t08 -seven is so much more- d3t09 I Just Don't Want To Be Lonely d3t10 -outtro- Jeb Puryear - Electric Guitar, Vocals Tara Nevins - Vocals, Guitar, Fiddle, Accordion, Scrubboard, Tambourine Dave McCracken - B3, Clavinet Kyle Spark - Bass, Backing Vocals Mark Raudabaugh - Drums

