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Donna The Buffalo 2019-12-31 CD Ybor City Audience

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d1t01 -intro by Ed Greene- d1t02 Love Time d1t03 Look Both Ways d1t04 The Good Stuff d1t05 Swing That Thing d1t06 The Reason Why d1t07 -say hi to Kyle Spark- d1t08 Ancient Arms d1t09 -played here 1st time in 1994- d1t10 This Mystery d1t11 -tuning- d1t12 Love And Gasoline d1t13 These Are Better Days d1t14 Yonder d1t15 -crowd- d1t16 Conscious Evolution d2t01 -they're synchronizing their phones- d2t02 No Place Like The Right Time d2t03 Heaven And The Earth d2t04 -countdown and Auld Lang Syne- d2t05 Let Love Move Me d2t06 -Mollie Farr to the stage- d2t07 Motor # d2t08 Crash And Burn # d2t09 Bloody Mary Morning d2t10 Dance In The Street d2t11 If You Only Could d2t12 If You Want To Live d2t13 I Believe @ d2t14 -thanks WNMF- Jeb Puryear - Electric Guitar, Vocals Tara Nevins - Vocals, Guitar, Fiddle, Accordion, Scrubboard, Tambourine David McCracken - B3, Clavinet Mark Raudabaugh - Drums Kyle Spark - Bass

