40mn 7s
Cootie Williams, Cat Anderson, Mercer Ellington, Harold "Money" Johnson(t); Lawrence Brown(tb); Chuck Connors(btb); Russell Procope(cl,as); Norris Turney
(fl,cl,as,ts); Johnny Hodges(as); Harold Ashby(ts,cl); Paul Gonsalves(ts); Harry Carney(cl,bcl,as,bar); Duke Ellington(p); Wild Bill Davis(o); Victor Gaskin(sb); Rufus Jones(d); Tony Watkins(v)
Take The "A" Train
Cotton Tail
Up Jump
La Plus Belle Africaine
Come Off The Veldt
El Gato
Don't Get Around Much Anymore
Solitude - vTW
It Don't Mean A Thing - vTW
Be Cool And Groovy For Me - vTW
Ocht O'Clock Rock