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Duke Robillard 2015-03-13 CD Tournon Audience

Old price: 24.99 $ USD
16.99 $ USD
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Duke Robillard, guitars vocalsBruce Bears, keyboards and vocalsBrad Hallen, double bass and electric bassMark Teixeira, drums01 Intro02 Instrumental03 You Don't Love Me04 Fatal Heart Attack05 Tuning06 Jump The Blues For You07 Real Live Wire08 Band intro09 Instrumental with band jamming10 Second set intro11 I'm Gonna Quit My Baby12 Confusion Blues (sung by Bruce Bears)13 Just Because14 Down In Mexico15 I Tried ?16 My Tears17 How i feel about you ?18 Blue ... Men19 Band intro and audience20 Make it rain21 Outro

