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Flaming Lips

Rare Live Concert Recordings on CD, DVD, MP3 and MP4

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Flaming Lips, CDs, Audience, SANTA MONICA, 2011, June
01. Intro 02. Race for the Prize 03. A Spoonful Weighs a Ton 04. The Spark That Bled 05. The Spiderbite Song 06. Buggin' 07. What Is the Light? 08....

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Flaming Lips, CDs, Audience, HOLLYWOOD, 1993, June
01. Turn It On 02. Mountain Side 03. She Don't Use Jelly 04. Unconsciously Screamin' 05. Rainin' Babies 06. Take Meta Mars 07. What A Wonderful World

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Flaming Lips, CDs, Soundboard, SAN FRANCISCO, 1996, May
01. All That Jazz 02. The Abandoned Hospital Ship 03. Psychiatric Explorations of the Fetus With Needles 04. Placebo Headwound 05. Unconsciously...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Flaming Lips, CDs, Audience, BIRMINGHAM, 2017, August
Running time: 94' ---------------------------------------------------------------- race for the prize yoshimi battles the pink robots, pt. 1 there should...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Flaming Lips, DVDs, Audience, cologne, 1996, March

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Flaming Lips, DVDs, Audience, berlin, 2000, May

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Flaming Lips, DVDs, Proshot, Pukkelpop, 2017, August

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Flaming Lips, CDs, Audience, BOSTON, 2017, March
01. Race For The Prize 02. Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots 03. There Should Be Unicorns 04. Pompeii Am Gotterdammerung 05. What Is The Light?> 06. The...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Flaming Lips, CDs, Audience, Augusta, 2017, April
01 Wayne Intro 02 Race For The Prize 03 Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots Pt. 1 04 There Should Be Unicorns 05 Pompeii Am Götterdämmerung 06 The Yeah Yeah...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Flaming Lips, CDs, Audience, LONDON, 2017, January

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Flaming Lips, CDs, Audience, MILAN, 2017, January

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Flaming Lips, DVDs, Proshot, Kvaendrup, 2016, June

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Flaming Lips, CDs, Audience, SAN FRANCISCO, 1995, May

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Flaming Lips, CDs, Audience, SAN FRANCISCO, 1995, May

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Flaming Lips, CDs, Audience, minneapolis, 2014, September
Setlist:01. Intro02. Turn It On 03. Pilot Can at the Queer of God04. Oh, My Pregnant Head05. She Don't Use Jelly 06. Chewin' the Apple of Your Eye 07....

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Flaming Lips, CDs, Audience, SAN FRANCISCO, 2014, December
01 Intro02 The Abandoned Hospital Ship03 Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots04 In The Morning Of The Magicians05 Proposal and Just Married06 Feeling Yourself...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Flaming Lips, DVDs, Proshot, Las vegas, 2014, October
Setlist:The Abandoned Hospital ShipYoshimi Battles the Pink Robots, Pt. 1The Golden Path (The Chemical Brothers cover) Feeling Yourself DisintegrateRace for...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Flaming Lips, CDs, Audience, minneapolis, 2015, February
1. (intro) 2. The Abandoned Hospital Ship 3. Psychiatric Explorations of the Fetus with Needles 4. Placebo Headwound 5. This Here Giraffe 6. Brainville 7....

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Flaming Lips, CDs, Audience, Oklahoma, 1988, February
01 - intro 102 - intro 203 - Also Sprach Zarathustra, Whole Lotta Love04 - One Million Billionth of a Millisecond on a Sunday Morning05 - Ode to C.C. Part 2,...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Flaming Lips, CDs, Audience, LIVERPOOL, 2015, May
Setlist:01 Intro02 The Abandoned Hospital Ship 03 Fight Test 04 The Yeah Yeah Yeah Song (With All Your Power) 05 Pompeii Am Götterdämmerung 06 Psychiatric...