total runtime: 88:20 (minutes/seconds)
1: jump 15:56
2: nothing will be as it was tomorrow 10:48 (Milton Nascimento)
3: love poem 7:10 (Tom Scott)
4: Sarará 7:12 (end applause spliced, tape flip)
5: Godzilla's holiday 6:42
6: Beijo Pardito 9:35 (Toninho Horta)
7: open your eyes, you can fly > sometime ago 15:53
8: band intros 1:26
9: Airto solo 5:06
10: Casa Forte 8:16 (Edu Lobo) (spliced at 7:28, tape change)
Flora Purim: vocals
Stan Loeb?: keyboards
Larry Nash: guitar
Jack Elliot: flugelhorn, trumpet and minimoog
Airto Moreira: drums, percussion and some vocals
Tony Morero: drums and percussion