01 Intro [04:09] °°° cuts at 0:06, 2:58
02 The Eric Dolphy Memorial Barbecue [00:33] °°° cuts out, music missing
03 Preamble - Tuning [01:47]
04 Village Of The Sun [01:09] °°° cuts out, music missing
05 Echidna's Arf (Of You) [02:42] °°° cuts in, music missing
06 Don't You Ever Wash That Thing? [11:10]
07 Improvisations (Music for Broken Drum and Stella Artois) [07:58] °°° cuts out, music missing
08 Montana [11:51] °°° cuts in, music missing
09 Be-Bop Tango [02:35] °°° flaw at 1:54-5
10 Encore Break [01:41]
11 Brown Shoes Don't Make It [03:46] °°° cuts out, music missing
12 T'Mershi Duween [01:12] °°° cuts in, music missing, entire track from CA-DLHotch source