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Frank Zappa 1988-02-27 CD Royal Oak Audience

Old price: 24.99 $ USD
16.99 $ USD
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Set list: 01 Crowd~Tuning [1:05] 02 Intro~Voter Registration Drive [2:16] 03 Stinkfoot [5:09] 04 Andy [5:48] 05 Inca Roads [8:47] 06 Uncle Remus [3:18] 07 Outside Now [5:58] 08 Disco Boy [3:13] 09 Teenage Wind [2:44] 10 Truck Driver Divorce [6:21] tf/JS-doctorzap MC patch {6:07-6:16} 11 Packard Goose Medley [7:16] 12 Times Beach III (intermission) [3:24] °°° switch to JS-doctorzap MC source at 0:10, cut at 2:08 13 Michael Hedges pieces (intermission) [19:25] °°° from JS-doctorzap MC source, cuts off at end 14 Intro to 2nd set [1:24] 15 Eat That Question [1:42] 16 Black Napkins [8:59] 17 Find Her Finer [2:42] 18 Who Needs The Peace Corps? [3:11] 19 Norwegian Wood [2:14] 20 King Kong (q: Whipping Post, Who Needs The Peace Corps?) [8:13] 21 Loops [5:13] 22 Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds [3:52] 23 encore break [0:43] °°° cuts in, JS-doctorzap MC patch {0:00-0:19} 24 Joe's Garage [3:43] 25 Why Does It Hurt When I Pee? [2:56] 26 encore break#2 [1:16] 27 Montana [4:00] 28 City Of Tiny Lights [11:20] 29 A Pound For A Brown [8:06] 30 encore break#3 [0:35] °°° cuts in, JS-doctorzap MC patch {0:00-0:12} 31 I Am The Walrus [3:34] 32 Crew Slut (q: Smoke On The Water) [6:30] Total Time (patched version) 155.10 min



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