DISC ONE - 55:4201. Intros-Banter- 2:22.5002. The Cape 4:09.5303. L.A. Freeway 7:26.0904. -Banter- 1:02.6405. Texas 1947 4:15.2606. -Banter- 0:45.1207. Desperados Waiting For A Train 4:33.6808. -Banter- 1:09.0809. Out in the Parking Lot 4:57.5610. Magdalene 4:52.1511. Homegrown Tomatoes 5:51.6112. Hemingway's Whiskey 3:52.0313. -Banter- 0:47.2214. Tornado Time in Texas 4:58.1015. Randall Knife 4:33.52GUY CLARK and FRIENDSParamount TheaterAustin, TexasOctober 19, 20107:30 p.m.DISC TWO - 48:2701. -Banter- 2:24.4502. Boats to Build 4:44.3003. -Banter- 2:19.1304. We Ain't Been Everywhere Yet (V.T.) 4:22.0305. -Banter- 1:39.4106. Sis Draper (S.C.) 4:10.1407. -Banter- 0:44.4308. Caddo County (V.T.) 4:02.5409. -Banter- 0:46.4610. 1994 (S.C.) 4:30.0811. Stuff That Works 4:29.6812. Dublin Blues 5:57.0313. -Crowd- 0:27.2914. The Guitar 7:44.19