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Half Man Half Biscuit 2022-08-19 CD Derbyshire Audience

Old price: 24.99 $ USD
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1. Joy In Leewarden 2. Batwalk 3. Awkward Sean 4. Fuckin' 'Ell It's Fred Titmus 5. Outbreak of Vitas Gerulatis 6. The Best Things In Life 7. Bob Wilson Anchorman 8. The Light at the End of a Tunnel 9. In a Suffolk Ditch 10.Rock and Roll is Full of Bad Wools 11.99% of Gargoyles Look Like Bob Todd 12.Little in the Way of Sunshine 13.Heroine (Solapdeine) 14.Vatican Broadside 15.Big Man Up Front 16.Part Time Punks 17.San Antonio Foam Party 18.When I Look at My Baby 19.Left Lyrics in the Practice Room 20.Dukla Prague Away Kit 21.Terminus 22.PRS Year Book 23.National Shite Day 24.What Is Chatteris? 25.We Built This Village on a Trad. Arr. Tune. 26.Everything's AOR 27.Midnight Mass Murder 28.Trumpton Riots 29.Every Time a Bell Rings 30.Encore Break 31.Len Ganley (snippet) 32.Oblong of Dreams 33.20th Century Boy 34.Joy Division Oven Gloves



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