01. Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971) - Symphonies of Wind Instruments (1920) 9:2102. Broadcast presentation 2:0403. Peter Eötvös (*1944) - Speaking Drums (2013) Four poems for percussion solo and orchestra, Text by Sándor Weöres 20:0404. Broadcast presentation 0:1505. Intro by Martin Grubinger 1:2506. Martin Grubinger (*1983) - Planet Rudiment 2:4107. Broadcast presentation 1:2008. Claude Debussy (1862-1918) - Jeux, Poème dansé L 126 (1912-1913) 18:2709. Broadcast presentation 1:41Olivier Messiaen (1908-1992) - Chronochromie, for orchestra (1959-1960)10. 1. Introduction 3:3011. 2. Strophe I 1:3512. 3. Antistrophe I 3:1513. 4. Strophe II 1:3914. 5. Antistrophe II 5:5115. 6. Epode 4:1016. 7. Coda 2:4817. Broadcast outro 0:19