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Rare Live Concert Recordings on CD, DVD, MP3 and MP4

24.99 $ USD 19.99 $ USD
John Mayer, CDs, Audience, NEW YORK, 2004, December
d1t01 Introduction01:06.36d1t02 Empty Arms04:18.34d1t03 So Excited04:56.20d1t04 Bleeding Hearts Blues11:50.07d1t05 Feels Like Rain08:31.28d1t06 I'm Tore...

24.99 $ USD 19.99 $ USD
John Mayer, CDs, Audience, NEW YORK, 2004, December
d1t01 Introduction00:41.47d1t02 Rainy Day, Dream Away05:55.27d1t03 I'll Play The Blues For You07:15.59d1t04 I'm Tore Down04:49.30d1t05 "A Very Special...

24.99 $ USD 19.99 $ USD
John Mayer, CDs, Audience, HOLLYWOOD, 2006, April
This performance might not be complete, please contact us for setlist.

24.99 $ USD 19.99 $ USD
John Mayer, CDs, Audience, HOLLYWOOD, 2006, May
1.) Neon [ fades-in ] ( 04:01:53 )2.) The Hurt ( 04:43:10 )3.) Gravity...

24.99 $ USD 19.99 $ USD
John Mayer, CDs, Audience, Saratoga Springs, 2006, August
SETLIST01. Intro (Crowd)02. Why Georgia?03. Something's Missing04. Vultures05. Covered in Rain06. My Stupid Mouth07. Clarity08. Daughters09. I Don't Trust...

24.99 $ USD 19.99 $ USD
John Mayer, CDs, Audience, Camden, 2006, September
SET LIST01 Neon02 Why Georgia03 My Stupid Mouth04 Belief05 Vultures06 The Heart of Life07 Bigger Than My Body08 Daughters09 Clarity10 Gravity11 Waiting on...

24.99 $ USD 19.99 $ USD
John Mayer, CDs, Audience, AUSTIN, 2006, September
01. Belief02. Good Love Is On the Way03. Why Georgia04. Vultures05. Slow Dancing in a Burning Room06. Bigger Than My Body07. The Heart of Life08. MY...

24.99 $ USD 19.99 $ USD
John Mayer, CDs, Audience, Orlando, 2007, January
Disc 1:1. Intro2. Vultures3. Good Love is On the Way4. Why Georgia5. Slow Dancing in a Burning Room6. Clarity7. The Heart of Life8. BeliefDisc 2: 1. Neon2....

24.99 $ USD 19.99 $ USD
John Mayer, CDs, Audience, OKLAHOMA CITY, 2007, February
Disc One:1. Waiting On The World To Change2. Vultures3. Good Love Is On The Way4. Why Georgia5. I Don't Trust Myself (With Loving You)6. In Repair7. Bigger...

24.99 $ USD 19.99 $ USD
John Mayer, CDs, Audience, Columbus, 2007, February
Disc 101 Intro 01:01.1102 Vultures 07:28.1103 Good Love Is On The...

24.99 $ USD 19.99 $ USD
John Mayer, CDs, Audience, Syracuse, 2007, February
Setlist01. Intro02. Belief03. Bigger Than My Body04. No Such Thing05. Slow Dancing in a Burning Room06. Good Love is on the Way07. The Heart of Life08. I...

24.99 $ USD 19.99 $ USD
John Mayer, CDs, Audience, MANCHESTER, 2007, June
1)Pickapart2)Used To Get High3)Treat Yo Mama4)Daniella5)Ocean6)Zebra7)Better Than8)Gov Did Nothing9)Good Excuse10)Funky Tonight

24.99 $ USD 19.99 $ USD
John Mayer, CDs, Audience, CHICAGO, 2007, June
Disc 101 Intro 01:01.1702 Belief 06:29.5303 No Such Thing...

24.99 $ USD 19.99 $ USD
John Mayer, CDs, Audience, CHICAGO, 2007, June
Disc 101 Intro 01:18.5302 Waiting on the World to Change 03:56.5303 Bigger Than My...

24.99 $ USD 19.99 $ USD
John Mayer, CDs, Audience, Noblesville, 2007, June
Disc 101 Intro 01:06.4902 Vultures 07:14.5403 No Such...

24.99 $ USD 19.99 $ USD
John Mayer, CDs, Audience, Cuyahoga Falls, 2007, July
Disc 101 Intro 01:06.2802 Belief 06:14.5203 Why Georgia...

24.99 $ USD 19.99 $ USD
John Mayer, CDs, Audience, hartford, 2007, July
01 Intro 00:38.7202 No Such Thing 04:34.2303 Belief...

24.99 $ USD 19.99 $ USD
John Mayer, CDs, Audience, Hershey, 2007, July
Disc 1 d1t01 Introductiond1t02 Why Georgia d1t03 Intro to Vultures--> d1t04 Vultures d1t05 Intro to Belief--> d1t06 Belief d1t07 Intro to...

24.99 $ USD 19.99 $ USD
John Mayer, CDs, Audience, Washington, 2007, July
Disc 101. Intro02. Waiting on the World to Change03. I Don't Trust Myself (With Loving You)04. My Stupid Mouth05. Bigger Than My Body06. Slow Dancing in a...

24.99 $ USD 19.99 $ USD
John Mayer, CDs, Audience, DALLAS, 2007, October
1. Vultures2. No Such Thing3. I Don't Trust Myself4. Waiting On The World To Change5. Bigger Than My Body6. Belief7. I Don't Need No Doctor8. Why...