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Rare Live Concert Recordings on CD, DVD, MP3 and MP4

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John Nemeth, CDs, Soundboard, Tacoma, 2013, July
Disc One:1. Intro2. Love Me Tonight 3. Country Boy 4. Do You Really Want That Woman 5. Said Too Much 6. Funky Feelin' 7. Keep The Love A Comin' 8.Magic Touch...

24.99 $ USD 19.99 $ USD
John Sebastian, CDs, Audience, Shirley, 2013, November
01. Intro02. I'm Satisfied03. [talk]04. Welcome Back05. [talk]06. Buzz Buzz Buzz07. Do You Believe In Magic08. [talk]09. You Didn't Have To Be So Nice10....

24.99 $ USD 19.99 $ USD
Johnathan Rice, CDs, Soundboard, SANTA MONICA, 2013, October
01.(=Intro=) 02.Good Graces 03.[-deadair-] 04.Nowhere At The Speed Of Light 05.[-tuning-] 06.Acapulco Gold 07.(=Interview=) 08.[-tuning-] 09.Lou...

24.99 $ USD 19.99 $ USD
Johnette Napolitano, CDs, Audience, HOLLYWOOD, 2013, June
01. -intro-02. ??03. Lady Day04. The Real Thing05. Sun06. Take Me Home07. I Don't Need A Hero08. -intro-09. Rosalie10. Mexican Moon11. -intro-12. Ghost...

24.99 $ USD 19.99 $ USD
Johnny A, CDs, Audience, Natick, 2013, September
01. Introduction02. Superstition >03. Red House04. ?05. [talk]06. The Wind Cries Mary07. Tex Critter08. Krea Gata09. Two Wheel Horse10. [talk]11. Get Inside...

24.99 $ USD 19.99 $ USD
Johnny Hickman and Ed Anderson, CDs, Audience, Cambridge, 2013, September
Total Time: 1:28 hoursJohnny Hickman - vocals, guitar, harmonicaEd Anderson - vocals, guitar, banjo, stompboard, tambourine, harmonica, kazoo01 (intro)02 Mr....

24.99 $ USD 19.99 $ USD
Johnny La Marama, CDs, Audience, Graz, 2013, November
Kalle Kalima: guitar, vocalsChris Dahlgren: bass, vocalsEric Schaefer: drums, sampler, vocals

24.99 $ USD 19.99 $ USD
Johnny Marr, CDs, Audience, Gloucester, 2013, October
The Right Thing RightStop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before (The Smiths song) Upstarts Sun & MoonForbidden CityEuropean MeCrack...

24.99 $ USD 19.99 $ USD
Johnny Marr, CDs, Audience, Wrexham, 2013, October
01 - Intro02 - The Right Thing Right03 - Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before04 - Upstarts05 - Sun & Moon06 - Forbidden City07 - European Me08 -...

24.99 $ USD 19.99 $ USD
Johnny Marr, CDs, Audience, EDINBURGH, 2013, October
setlist -persuaders theme>upstartspanicright thing rightsun & mooncrack upstop me if you thinknew town velocitythe messengerlockdownsay demesnebigmouth...

24.99 $ USD 19.99 $ USD
Johnny Marr, CDs, Audience, HOLLYWOOD, 2013, November
01 Intro02 The Right Thing Right03 Stop Me If You Think You’ve Heard This One Before04 Upstarts05 Sun & Moon06 The Crack Up07 Panic08 New Town Velocity09...

24.99 $ USD 19.99 $ USD
Johnny Winter, CDs, Audience, Evanston, 2013, September

24.99 $ USD 19.99 $ USD
Johnossi, CDs, Audience, berlin, 2013, October
01. Intro02. Into The Wild03. Gone Forever04. Bobby05. Dead End06. Party With My Pain07. Execution Song08. Everywhere With You Man09. 18 Karat Gold10. For A...

24.99 $ USD 19.99 $ USD
Jon Oliva, CDs, Audience, Clifton, 2013, December
01. Intro02. Father Time (Oliva)03. Ten Years (Oliva)04. Out On The Streets (Savatage)05. Lady In Disguise (Savatage)06. Summer's Rain (Savatage)07. Jesus...

24.99 $ USD 19.99 $ USD
Jonathan Richman, CDs, Audience, philadelphia, 2013, November
Jonathan RichmanWednesday, November 20, 2013

24.99 $ USD 19.99 $ USD
Jonathan Wilson, CDs, Audience, LONDON, 2013, October
1. Intro2. Cecil Taylor3. Ballad Of the Pines4. Intro5. Desert Raven6. Intro7. Gentle Spirit8. Intro9. Valley Of The Silver Moon

24.99 $ USD 19.99 $ USD
Jonathan Wilson, CDs, Audience, MANCHESTER, 2013, October
01 Desert Trip02 Desert Raven03 Gentle Spirit04 Just For Luck05 Moses Pain

24.99 $ USD 19.99 $ USD
Jonathan Wilson, CDs, Audience, Rotterdam, 2013, December
Setlist:LovestrongIlluminationFazonDesert RavenDear FriendLove To LoveNew MexicoCan We Really Party Today?Magic EverywhereMoses PainValley Of The Silver...

24.99 $ USD 19.99 $ USD
Jonathan Wilson, CDs, Audience, PARIS, 2013, December
Jonathan Wilson - guitar, vocalsOmar Velasco - guitarDan Horne - bassJason Borger - organ, keyboardsRichard Gowen - drumsSetlist: (121:06)01. Angel...

24.99 $ USD 19.99 $ USD
Joost De Lange, CDs, Audience, Mook, 2013, October
Joost De Lange : Zang en gitaarRobbin Van De Bor : BasRoland Baak : Drums01. Dust my broom02. All along the watchtower03. Brand new shoes04. Turn me on05....