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Janis Joplin 1969-12-11 CD Boston Audience

Old price: 24.99 $ USD
16.99 $ USD
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THE BAND Janis Joplin Lead Vocals Sam Andrew Guitar Vocals Richard Kermode Organ Brad Campbell Bass Lonnie Castille Drums Cornelius "Snooky" Flowers Saxophone Vocals Terry Clements Tenor Saxophone Luis Gasca Trumpet With Johnny Winter Guitar & Vocals * SETLIST 1 Intro 2 Raise Your Hand 3 Hey Bo Diddley 4 Kozmic Blues 5 Port Arthur Blues* 6 Help Me Baby* 7 Maybe (reel flip at 00:40:35:09) 8 Try 9 Piece Of My Heart 10 We need to ask you to leave as quickly and quietly as possible



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