Disc 101. Interview/Intro02. Trudy and Dave03. Crossing Muddy Waters04. Through Your Hands05. Drive South06. Angel07. Interview08. Real Fine Love09. Old Habits10. Child of the Wild Blue Yonder11. Icy Blue Heart12. Paper Thin13. Memphis in the MeantimeDisc 201. Interview02. Perfectly Good Guitar03. Twenty One04. Down at the Canebreak05. Straight Out of Time06. Thank You Girl07. Interview08. Something Wild09. Blue Telescope10. Permanent Hurt11. Where Is the Next One Coming From?Disc 301. Interview02. Your Dad Did03. Thing Called Love04. Lipstick Sunset05. Interview06. Slow Turning07. Have a Little Faith in Me08. Georgia Rae09. Band Introductions10. The River Knows Your Name