Total Running time: 1hr 55mins 06secs [425mb]
01 - Numbers / Computer World
02 - It's More Fun to Compute / Home Computer
03 - Spacelab
04 - Airwaves / Tango
05 - The Man-Machine
06 - Electric Café
07 - Autobahn
08 - Computer Love
09 - The Model
10 - Neon Lights
11 - Radioactivity
12 - Tour de France 1983 / Prologue / Tour de France Étape 1 / Chrono / Tour de France Étape 2
13 - Trans Europe Express / Metal On Metal / Abzug
14 - The Robots
15 - Planet of Visions
16 - Boing Boom Tschak / Techno Pop / Music Non Stop