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Lindley Thompson 1984-05-19 CD Stuttgart Audience

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TT125:4901Morse, Thompson, Lindley --- Fisher's HornpipeMorse set(tr2->tr7 are all instrumentals)02 Country Colors 03 Steve's pieces for classical guitar: pt. One04 pt. Two 05 Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring (J.S. Bach: Cantata, BWV 147) 06 Northern Lights07 The Riff Raff 08 Morse, Thompson, Lindley --- Sidh Beag Agus Sidh MorThompson set09 Don't Let A Thief Steal Into Your Heart10 Banish Misfortune11 It'll Be Me12 Rockin' In Rhythm 13 -banter-14 Love In A Faithless Country--intermission-- (cd flip)Lindley set15 Rag Bag16 You Done Me Wrong (everly brothers)17 Oh Death18 Mercury Blues19 -banter-20 Quarter of a Man21 Talk to the Lawyer22 -banter-Morse, Thompson, Lindley23 Sleepwalk 24 Wabash Cannonball25 -encore-26 Brother John27 -encore 2-28 A Drunk Can't Be A Man29 -encore 3-30 Your Old Lady

