Cathy Berberian - mezzosopranoRotterdams Philharmonisch Orkest - Luciano Berio01. Luciano Berio (1925-2003) - Calmo - in memoriam Bruno Maderna for mezzo-soprano and twentytwo instruments (1974) 4:4102. Bruno Maderna (1920-1973) - Serenata for 11 Instruments (1946, rev. 1954) 10:1303. Luciano Berio (1925-2003) - Serenata I for flute and 14 instruments (1957) 9:5304. Luciano Berio (1925-2003) - Eindrücke for orchestra (1974) 10:57Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971) - Pribaoutki (1914)05. 1. Kornílo (Uncle Kornilo) 0:5706. 2. Natashka (Little Natalie) 0:2807. 3. Polkovnik (The Colonel) 0:5408. 4. Starets i zayats (The Old Man and the Hare) 2:53Folk Songs for mezzosoprano and seven instruments (1964); arrangement for mezzosoprano and orchestra (1973)]09. 1. Black Is The Colour (USA) 2:1810. 2. I Wonder As I Wander (USA) 1:3411. 3. Loosin Yelav (Armenia) 2:1412. 4. Rossignolet Du Bois (France) 1:2413. 5. A La Femminisca (Sicily) 1:4114. 6. La Donna Ideale (Italy) 1:1015. 7. Ballo (Italy) 1:4016. 8. Motettu De Tristura (Sardinia) 1:3817. 9. Malorous Qu'o Uno Fenno (Auvergne - France) 0:4718. 10. Lo Fiolaire (Auvergne - France) 2:2419. 11. Azerbaijan Love Song (Azerbaijan) 5:03