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Rare Live Concert Recordings on CD, DVD, MP3 and MP4

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Mott the Hoople, CDs, Audience, glasgow, 2013, November
Band:Ian Hunter - Vocals, Guitars, Piano, BassMick Ralphs - Guitars, VocalsVerden Allen - Organ, VocalsOverend Watts - Bass, Vocals, GuitarMartin Chambers -...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Mr Ruffy And His Band, CDs, Audience, Nuernberg, 2013, September
FULL SHOW (45:20 min.)01. Intro -> ... (8:13)02. Do you want to know a secret (4:38)03. Anzuenden (9:39)04. To be loved... (3:03)05. ... (5:42)06. Messin'...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Mr So and So, CDs, Audience, Leicester, 2013, November
Setlist : 1 Intro234 Truth, Lies And Half-Lies5 House Of Dreams6 The Overlap7 Time For Change8 Paper Chase9 Coup De Grace10 Breathe1112

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
MS MR, CDs, Audience, SAN FRANCISCO, 2013, October
01 intro02 Bones03 No Trace04 Salty Sweet05 BTSK06 Fantasy07 Think Of You08 Do I Wanna Know? [Artic Monkeys]09 Head Is Not My Home10 This Isn't Control11...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Mt Wolf, CDs, Audience, Brighton, 2013, November
Track Listing;01 Veins02 Cry Wolf03 Swarm04 Shapeshift05 (New Song)06 Hypolight07 Life Sized Ghosts08 Midnight Shadows(Running time; 45:02)

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Mudhoney, CDs, Audience, Washington, 2013, September
Running time: 86'----------------------------------------------------------------slipping awayi like it smallyou got itsuck you dryget into yoursf.d.k....

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Mudhoney, CDs, Audience, VANCOUVER, 2013, December
1. (intro)2. I'm Now3. Suck You Dry4. Who You Drivin' Now?5. The Final Course6. What to Do With the Neutral7. Next Time8. Ghost9. I Don't Remember You10. The...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Mudhoney, CDs, Audience, SEATTLE, 2013, December
1. Here Comes Sickness (fades in, I think not much missed)2. 19953. In This Rubber Tomb4. Sonic Infusion5. When Tomorrow Hits6. In 'N' Out of Grace7. I Like...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Mulatu Astatke, CDs, Audience, rome, 2013, October
Mulatu Astatke: vibraphone, wurlitzer, percussionsByron Wallen: trumpetJames Arben: saxDanny Keane: celloAlexander Hawkins: pianoNeil Charles: double bassTom...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Mundy, CDs, Soundboard, Compilation
Newstalk Radio 106 F.M.Live 16 May 2012. Tom Dunne Morning Program. 01 July. RTE Radio One 88.5 F.M.Live 19 May 2011. John Murray...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Muse, CDs, Audience, Abu Dhabi, 2013, November
Main set: 1. The 2nd Law: Unsustainable 2. Supremacy 3. Supermassive Black Hole 4. Interlude/Hysteria5. Panic Station 6. Plug In Baby 7. Survival 8. Monty...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Musical Box, CDs, Audience, North Tonawanda, 2013, November
01 Watcher of the Skies02 The Musical Box03 Get 'em Out by Friday04 Supper's Ready05 The Return of the Giant HogweedEncore:06 The Knife07 The Fountain of...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Musical Box, CDs, Audience, North Tonawanda, 2013, November
01 Watcher of the Skies02 Dancing With the Moonlit Knight03 The Cinema Show04 I Know What I Like05 Firth of Fifth06 The Musical Box07 Horizons08 The Battle...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Musical Box, CDs, Audience, Alexandria, 2013, November
Disc 101 Tuning (1:56)02 Watcher Of The Skies (8:54)03 The Musical Box (11:46) 04 Get 'Em Out By Friday (9:18)05 The Story Of Old Michael (2:13)06 Supper's...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Mussorgsky, CDs, Audience, MILAN, 2013, November
- intro - Modest MusorgskijQuadri di un’esposizione(orchestrazione di Maurice Ravel)- Promenade- Gnomus- Promenade- Le vieux château- Promenade- Les...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Muthspiel, CDs, Soundboard, hamburg, 2013, October
2013-10-17&1801 The Henrysons (Muthspiel) 8:1502 7:0003 6:4304 Nico und Mithra (Muthspiel) 3:5605 intro Muthspiel 0:2806 Beneath An Evening Sky (Towner)...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
My Bloody Valentine, CDs, Audience, Eindhoven, 2013, September
01 I Only Said02 When You Sleep03 New You04 You Never Should05 Honey Power06 Cigarette In Your Bed07 Only Tomorrow08 Come In Alone09 Only Shallow10 Thorn11...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
My First Tooth, CDs, Audience, Cheltenham, 2013, June
My First ToothHobgoblin BBC Introducing TentWychwood FestivalCheltenham RacecourseCheltenhamEngland1st June 2013

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
My Vitriol, CDs, Audience, glasgow, 2013, October
Tracklist01.London City Lights02.War of the Worlds03.The Gentle Art of Choking04.Grounded05.Moodswings06.It's So Damn Easy07.Vapour Trails08.Under the...

24.99 $ USD 16.99 $ USD
Mylene Farmer, CDs, Audience, Strasbourg, 2013, October
IntroductionA force de...Comme j'ai malC'est une belle journéeMonkey MeSlipping away / Crier la vie (with Moby on video screen)Elle a ditOui mais... NonRobot...