1. Intro
2. Absolutely Cuckoo
3. A Chicken with its Head Cut Off
4. Your Girlfriend's Face
5. Reno Dakota
6. Come Back from San Francisco
7. No One Will Ever Love You
8. I've Run Away to Join the Fairies
9. Plant White Roses
10. Drive On, Driver
11. My Husband's Pied-a-Terre
12. Josephine
13. The Horrible Party
14. Smoke and Mirrors
15. Goin' Back to the Country
16. Andrew in Drag
17. Quick!
18. Boa Constrictor
19. The Book of Love
20. Fear of Trains
21. You Must Be Out of Your Mind
22. Grand Canyon
23. Swinging london
24. It's Only Time
25. Yeah! Oh, Yeah!