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Mellstock Band 2008-07-12 CD Helpston Audience

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01 Introduction/tuningIn the Village02 The Village Feast (The Village Mnstrel)/Stutter's Balloon and Archer's Dance (Clare MSS.)«03 Trouble in the Alehouse (Helpstone Statute)/Bonny Lasses and Sleepy Maggy (Clare MSS.)04 Resting at Harvest (The Village Minstrel)/Barbara Alien (Text: v. 1 - 4, Alfred Williams, Folk Songs of the Uppa Thama v. 5, Clare MSS. Tune: The Poor Soldier, Clare MSS.)05 End of a Day's Work (The Village Minstrel) Peggy Band (Clare MSS.)06 Harvest Home (The Village Minstrel)/Harvest Song (Traditional, Dorset)07 Christmas (The Shepherd's Calendar)/Lyngham or Nativity (Thomas Jannanof Qipstone,Northants., c. 1803)II-On the Road08 Meeting Gypsies (Atttobiagraphical Writings)/Derby, The Knifegrinder and 'Ware Out Mother (Collected from travellers in Warwickshire, Norfolk and Dorset)09 A Warning/or Poachers (Autobiographical Writings)/The Poaching Song (Collected by Cecil Sharp from J. Ridler, Whitby, 1912)10 A Lucky Escape (Autobiograpkwal Writings)Miss Hill's and India Queen (Clare MSS.)11 The Invasion (Autobiographical Writings) War's Alarms (Clare MSS.)/Joining the Militia(Autobiographical Writings)12 The Downfall of Paris (Clare MSS.) and The Louth Quickstep (Gibbons MSS, Tealby, lines)III - Reflections13 Drive Old Care Away and Double Lead Through (Collected by Cecil Sharp from the concertina playing of W. Tyler, Whitfield, Northants, 1922. The second tune is in Clare's MSS. entitled The Portugal Dance)14 The Shepherds' Hut/The Cruel Brother (Words noted by Clare tune Valiant Soldier, Clare MSS.)The "Cremona" (Letters of John Clare)/Red Petticoat Hornpipe and The Savage Hornpipe (Clare MSS.)15-16 Remembering London (Letters of John Clare)/Astley's Ride (Clare MSS.) andjeannet &Jeannot (Turner MSS., Sussex)17 The Cuckoo's Nest (Words trad., tune Clare MSS.)18 Hedging the Cuckoo (Autobiographical Writings)The Cuckoo's a Fine Bird (Words collected by Clare tune The Garden Gate, Clare MSS.)IV - A Journey out of Essex19 From John Clare's Autobiographical Writings, incorporating:Gypsy's Song (Words by Clare tune Female Drummer from Glare MSS.)Silent Love (Words by Clare: tune by Dave Townsend)Highland Mary (Frank Kidson, Traditional Times, collected in East Yorkshire)Gypsy's Song (cont.)I've Wandered Many a Weary Mile (Words by Clare tune Highland Mary as above)Hopes and Ashes (Fantasia by Dave Townsend, based on Old Through. AtWood Laddie in the Clare MSS.)20 The Ploughman/England's Glory

