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Michael Hedges 1996-11-07 CD Cleveland Audience

Old price: 24.99 $ USD
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CD 1: [44:35.40] Set I: 1. //Oracle [02:48.46] 2. While My Guitar Gently Weeps* [06:01.31] 3. Jitterboogie [03:18.41] 4. Baal T'Shuvah [02:52.55] 5. Dirge [07:06.43] 6. Face Yourself [05:18.04] 7. Because It's There [03:36.10] 8. Silent Anticipations [06:24.13] 9. Theme From "Oklahoma!" [01:57.67] 10. i carry your heart [05:11.30] CD 2: [56:21.66] Set II: 1. Come Talk To Me@ [04:56.24] 2. Ritual Dance [04:51.11] 3. Like A Rolling Stone# [09:50.45] 4. The Rootwitch [03:07.37] 5. The Jabberwock [03:41.23] 6. Rickover's Dream [06:43.11] 7. Free Swinging Soul [04:24.32] 8. All Along The Watchtower# [04:20.30] Encore: 9. No Expectations$ [05:44.32] 10. Pinball Wizard% [03:39.09] 11. Sofa No. 1^ [05:03.37] *Beatles cover @Peter Gabriel cover #Bob Dylan cover $Rolling Stones cover %The Who cover ^Frank Zappa cover

