runtime: 85:50 (minutes/ seconds)
1: recorded into music
(silent gap in recording for aprx. 4:33)
2: best of both worlds 2:32 (cuts in)
3: Peter talks, put down that weapon 6:04
4: beds are burning 4:40
5: sell my soul 4:00
6: dreamworld 3:37
7: short memory 5:33
8: bullroarer 4:20 (cuts in)
9: no reaction 2:49
10: only the strong 5:23
11: Peter talks, Jimmy Sharmon's boxers 5:23
12: US forces 3:57
13: koskiusco 4:30
14: Peter talks, warakurna 5:47
15: the dead heart 7:17 (cuts in)
16: sometimes 4:05
17: Harrisburg 3:48
18: read about it > 3:27
19: what's so funny about peace love and understanding (Elvis Costello) 3:20 (end cuts)