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Moby Grape 1996-08-09 CD Santa Cruz Audience

Old price: 24.99 $ USD
16.99 $ USD
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00:00:00 Hey Grandma 00:03:05 [cuts in] Fall On Youxx:xx:xx Mr. Blues [missing]00:05:16 [cuts in] Changes00:07:24 Sitting By The Window00:10:17 [cuts in] Indifference 00:18:10 8:0500:20:50 Come In The Morning 00:24:49 Lazy Me00:27:50 Someday 00:31:00 Ain't No Use 00:33:02 Murder In My Heart For the Judge 00:38:45 Omaha00:41:49 Miller's Blues00:54:26 talk by Jerry Miller and applause before set break 00:55:19 [cuts in] Talkin' 'Bout You > Skip Spence vocal01:04:54 All My Life01:16:19 Sailing01:22:10 Come Back Baby [fragment]01:22:20 [cuts in] Hoodoo jam >01:30:07 Loving You > Skip Spence vocal >01:37:10 Hey Grandma [#2]01:42:10 thanks and applause before encores01:44:20 [cuts in] Gypsy Wedding01:54:54 Jerry Miller thanks and band intros01:56:14 Naked If I Want To >01:57:10 final thanks and applause01:57:41 end



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