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Motorpsycho 2022-05-21 CD Reutlingen Audience

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tt (148:48 min.) 01. Guten A'Bent (0:33) 02. Hell Pt. 1-3 (14:59) 03. Lady May (7:45) 04. The other fool (5:55) 05. Überpilgrim (10:06) * 06. Entropy (7:01) 07. Sail on (5:24) 08. The transmuation of Cosmoctopus Lurker (Reutlingen(e)sis) (12:10) 09. A Neckar Overture (16:02) ** 10. Delusion > (2:44) 11. N.O.X. (48:26) --- Encore --- 12. Treppauf/Treppab (4:50) *** 13. Like chrome (5:27) 14. Rock bottom (7:00) **** Bent Saether - bass, guitar, vocals, and talks Hans Magnus "Snah" Ryan - guitar, keyboards, vocals Tomas Jarmyr - drums and bashes, keyboards Reine Fiske - guitars, keyboards

