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Nile 2016-01-17 CD Rochester Audience

Old price: 24.99 $ USD
16.99 $ USD
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Band: Karl Sanders- guitars, vocalsDallas Toler-Wade - vocals, guitarsGeorge Kollias - drumsBrad Parris - bass, vocalsSetlist:01) Ushabti Reanimator02) Sacrifice Unto Sebek03) Cast Down the Heretic04) Defiling the Gates of Ishtar05) Kafir!06) Hittite Dung Incantation07) Call to Destruction08) In the Name of Amun09) Ithyphallic10) The Howling of the Jinn11) The Inevitable Degradation of Flesh12) Evil to Cast Out Evil13) Sarcophagus14) Black Seeds of Vengeance

