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Nina Hagen 1987-07-26 CD Toronto Audience

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Nina Hagen - vocals Robert Irving - keyboards Steve Schiff - el-guitar Karl Rucker - el-bass guitar Sty Larch - drums tt 61:56 01 The Wedding March {pre-recorded introduction} 02 Puck Wedding 03 Gods of Aquarius 04 Holiday in the Sun 05 Riot Attack 06 African Reggae 07 1985 Ekstasy Drive 08 New York, N.Y. 09 Russian Reggae 10 Heiss 11 Chernobyl Is Exploding 12 What It Is 13 O-H-M 13 Hurricane // {tape flip @t 46:30} 14 ..The Lord's Prayer [nc] {opening bars cut by tf} 15 I Did It My Way // {tape stopped, encore call applause cut} Encore 16 Don't Kill the Animals 17 Closing remarks with applause

