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Nine Inch Nails 2013-11-16 CD Las Vegas Audience

Old price: 24.99 $ USD
16.99 $ USD
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Setlist:01 Intro02 All Time Low03 Sanctified04 Disappointed05 Came Back Haunted06 Copy of A07 Reptile08 The Frail09 The Wretched10 Echoplex11 Satellite12 Running13 I Would For You14 The Big Come Down15 Survivalism16 In Two17 A Warm Place18 Somewhat Damaged19 Wish20 The Hand That Feeds21 Head Like a Hole22 -Encore Break-23 Even Deeper24 -Band intros-25 In This Twilight26 While I'm Still Here27 Hurt28 -Outro-

