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Nine Inch Nails 2009-06-02 CD Toronto Audience

Old price: 24.99 $ USD
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Street Sweeper Social Club01 Intro02 Fight! Smash! Win! 03 Somewhere In The World It's Midnight 04 Paper Planes# 05 The Oath 06 100 Little Curses 07 Promenade 08 Tom Morello talks09 Nobody Moves (Til We Say Go) NINDisc 101Now I'm Nothing (Lollapalooza '91 Intro)02Terrible Lie (Pretty Hate Machine)031,000,000 (The Slip)04Heresy (The Downward Spiral)05March of the Pigs (The Downward Spiral)06Metal (Gary Numan cover) 07The Becoming (The Downward Spiral)08I'm Afraid Of Americans (David Bowie cover)09Burn (Natural Born Killers Soundtrack)10Gave Up (Broken)11I Do Not Want This (The Downward Spiral)Disc 201The Fragile (The Fragile)02The Way Out Is Through (The Fragile)03Wish (Broken)04Survivalism (Year Zero)05Mr. Self Destruct (The Downward Spiral)06The Hand That Feeds (With Teeth)07Head Like A Hole (Pretty Hate Machine)Encore:08Hurt Jane's Addiction Disc 101Intro02Three Days (Ritual De Lo Habitual)03Whores (Jane's Addiction)04Ain't No Right (Ritual De Lo Habitual)05Pigs in Zen (Jane's Addiction)06Then She Did (Ritual De Lo Habitual)07Up the Beach (Nothing's Shocking)08Mountain Song (Nothing's Shocking) Disc 2 01 Been Caught Stealing (Ritual De Lo Habitual)02 Had a Dad (Nothing's Shocking)03 Ted, Just Admit It (Nothing's Shocking)04 Ocean Size (Nothing's Shocking)------------05 Summertime Rolls (Nothing's Shocking)06 Stop! (Ritual De Lo Habitual)07 Jane Says (Jane's Addiction)

