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Peter Hammill Compilation CD 1973-1992 Vol 6 Audience

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disc 18Peter Hammill 1985-04-26 KXLU Radio "Brain Cookies" 1. Signing records / station ID 2. The recent tour and touring 3. Solo tours 4. The name K and the K-Group 5. The next album 6. Producing and Random Hold 7. Usher 8. His books past and future 9. Unreleased recordings Time Vaults and Loops & Reels 10. Theme One and cover versions / encores 11. Unfulfilled musical fantasies / wishes 12. The Margin 13. Album connections 14. Rehearsing before recording 15. Doom & Gloom / function of music 16. Ideas for songs 17. Performing and his work 18. Lyric sheets 19. Other Hammills 20. House pictured in Pawn Hearts 21. Books he reads 22. About Audi and German Overalls 23. Does the act change for different audiences 24. The Manchester music scene 25. Hello Rossco / station ID / more signingPeter Hammill 1985-05-25 BBC Saturday Live interview & Music 26. Just Good Friends 27. Interview 28. Don't Tell MePeter Hammill 1986-07-21 Bottom Line NYC Fan Interview 29. InterviewPeter Hammill 1986-11-28 Bayrischer Radio Zundfunk Munchen Germany 30. Interviewdisc 19Peter Hammill 1986-11-08 Bloomsbury Theater Interview London England 1. Did you enjoy last nights concert 2. Audiences 3. Venues 4. School 5. Songwriting 6. Favorite Song 7. Solo / Group / Mistakes 8. Musical Influences 9. Audience Reception 10. What music do you listen to 11. Are the songs written from a personal point of view 12. Thoughts behind Fools Mate / Fripp 13. Set listPeter Hammill 1986-11-13 Hotel Gaudi Interview Madrid Spain (part1) 14. Intro 15. Records / Group / Solo 16. Difference between solo and VDGG work 17. About Four Pails 18. Usher 19. Passion for making music 20. Band / solo / trio 21. Peter Gabriel 22. Collaborations 23. Public images 24. Sofa Sound 25. Lyrics / songwriting 26. Did you find what you were looking for 27. Nadir 28. The current music scene

