Set One:
1. intro
2. Not Fade Away > (AK, GL, PL)
3. I Don’t Need No Doctor (AO)
4. Tennessee Jed (GL)
5. Broken Arrow (PL)
6. And It Stoned Me (AO)
7. Playing in the Band > (GL)
8. Ohio (AO)
Set Two:
1. intro
2. Althea (AO)
3. Estimated Prophet > (GL)
4. Eyes of the World > (AK)
5. Melissa (AO)
6. Uncle John’s Band (all)
7. Unbroken Chain (PL)
8. Help on the Way > (GL)
9. Slipknot! >
10. Franklin’s Tower (PL)
11. donor rap
12. E: Ripple (PL)